
Flavours for Plant-based food

Be inspired by Silesia

Flavours for
a plant-based diet

More and more plant-based protein sources are being used in alternative products (meat, fish and dairy substitutes, vegan confectionery and baked goods). This creates a flavour challenge for food producers.

As taste expert, Silesia has decades of experience with the requirements for appropriate flavours for these products and offers tailor-made solutions.

Find out more about the world of Silesia and our plant-based flavours in our video.


Plant-based Video
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Silesia FIE 2023
Plant-based Flavours

Fit for a plant-based future

Let’s develop flavourful
products together

As experts in the food industry, we see ourselves as your partner in product creation. We look at the product as a whole, understand the interactions of the individual raw materials and adapt the flavour individually to each recipe.

Flavours for meat, fish and seafood substitutes


Beef Flavours

Chicken Flavours

Pork Flavours

Sausage Flavours

Fish and Seafood Flavours

Egg Flavours

Masking Flavours

Booster Flavours

Flavours for alternative dairy products


Various Cheese Flavours

Milk Flavours

Cream Flavours

Protein Masking Flavours

Silesia Flavours

Plant-base Flavours

Experience the conscious enjoyment of our plant-based flavours

Plant-based Flavours
Flavour folder I PDF-Download

Contact us!

If you are curious and want to know more or have questions about Planted-base flavours, please contact our team at


We look forward to entering into dialogue with you.